Digital Signage
Digital signage brings the opportunity to deliver information and advertising in a dynamic multimedia format. It’s eye-catching, engaging and offers superior return on investment when compared to traditional printed signs.
The retail sector is by far the biggest single vertical market for digital signage. Retailers use digital signage for sales, marketing and branding purposes. Dynamic images for advertising are far more attractive than paper posters and offer greater flexibility for a given space. With digital signage, it is possible to show a broad range of different adverts on the same display while managing and monitoring content remotely. Many retailers already employ digital signage solutions on a global basis because it is quick, efficient and affordable.
Public Display
Post offices, doctor’s surgeries and hospitals are just a few public places that are often visited by a large number of people. Digital signage is an infotainment technology and customers can be informed about important facts or they can entertained whilst they wait to be served.
Corporate Communication
Digital signage is an excellent tool for communication. In the workplace, it is used to inform and educate staff on health and safety, upcoming events and messages from management. For visitors it enforces an organisation’s brand identity, entertains visitors in reception and shows the way to meeting rooms.
Public Transport
Railway and bus stations are visited by large numbers of people every day and digital signage can keep passengers updated before, during and after their journey. Instead of a single inconspicuous paper poster with just one message, digital signage can be used to show numerous messages on multiple displays. Pictures, text and videos – anything is possible to help make information clear and visible. And using a combination of indoor and outdoor displays, will help the message reach its intended audience regardless of the location.
A bank is an institution that offers a broad range of products and services. As a result, it can be a challenge to keep customers informed about the various banking products and services. Digital media is the ideal solution to show the latest information as quickly as possible.
Airports are crowded and hectic places where people constantly arrive and depart. Airport solutions are the perfect medium to provide passengers with real time travel information and guidance. Signage in airports is one of the oldest and best known applications for digital media. It shows passengers a mixture of sales promotions, video clips, movies, luggage information and flight details.
Leisure and Hospitality
Pubs, clubs, gyms and restaurants are all environments that benefit from digital signage. Through advertising campaigns and displaying the latest offers – digital signage can offer a good return on investment through increased sales and customer retention. Hotels and convention centres have also recognised the need to incorporate digital signage into their facilities. Effective digital signage can inform people on the spot and serve as a virtual concierge to keep tourists informed about their holiday resort, give directions, display schedules for activities and even advertise hotel amenities such as restaurants and spas.
Digital signage enables educational facilities to communicate with students, staff and visitors with Conference, Lecture Theatre and Exam times. In primary and secondary education, digital signage can be used to demonstrate class work or school outings. For further and higher education it becomes a tool to sell the benefits of the establishment to prospective students as well as entertaining and informing existing students with campus activities, union messages and campaigns.
Check out our case studies here.
Get the expert advice you need
RTS is committed to the needs of customers through supplying a wide selection of products ranging from indoor wall mounted displays to outdoor freestanding units; from standalone display screens to fully maintained multi-site digital networks that are all controllable from one central point.
Whether you want to create a custom unit to advertise your business at exhibitions, aide in retail sales, inform or enhance your working environment. RTS can help find a solution!
If you or your organisation feels that you could benefit from using digital signage technology feel free to contact RTS with any relevant questions about your project.
Our Approach
As a leader in providing technically complex, high-end corporate and public sector AV services, our clients depend on our expertise and unfailing ability to provide high-end audiovisual equipment and service that works right every time.
Every venue and every event has unique AV requirements and characteristics. That’s why each AV project we undertake is treated as bespoke. Our clients also require confidentiality and security, and that’s what RTS provide every time.
What we do
We recommend, plan, design, build and set up all aspects of our clients’ AV including the staging, projection screens, audio equipment, video streams, live mixing and engineering, as well as simultaneous interpretation and translation for multi-lingual conferences.
The best way to find out how we can assist with your event, conference or concert is to call us for an informal discussion. We’re on 0844 800 6440.
We’re always happy to provide our recommendations and advice. We’re used to working speedily under time-sensitive deadlines, so don’t be afraid to call on us if you’re stuck.
Audiovisual experience matters
We regularly provide high-definition audio-visual equipment and support for high profile legal cases, inquiries and hearings. These projects demand a high level of attention to detail, quality in setup and a level of bespoke planning and operational logistics to ensure that security and privacy are upheld at all times.
It is this experience that allows us to offer such a high level of professional advice and service to all our clients, whether they need a desktop video conference installation for regular meetings with overseas co-workers, or a temporary web stream of their corporate event created to broadcast to their teams around the world.
Our Clients in this area
MK Dons Football Club
Return Path
The Lalit Hotel - London
Arsenal FC
International SOS
RTS News
IPTV Acronyms and definitions
The IT and AV worlds use many acronyms to shorten lengthy phrases describing hardware or concepts often referred to when talking about IPTV. Below are definitions for acronyms you may see relating to IPTV.
View the full storyRock SolidCredentials
At RTS, excellence comes as standard. Our ISO certification demonstrates our commitment to quality and environmental management and – to help make sure our installations are as good as they can be – RTS have teamed up with the manufacturers of the best AV hardware and consumables available. We are vendor agnostic, offering AV solutions which are right for the customer. We have no sales targets to hit and ensure a customer focused experience.
Crown Commercial Service Supplier
RTS supplies audio visual services and support to the Crown Commercial Service within several framework agreements.
Security Clearances
All of our technical staff holds a valid SC security clearance. This makes RTS both highly unique and a trustworthy partner for any project where sensitive information is involved.

ISO 9001:2015 Certification
This relates to quality management and our certificate means that RTS have proven that they can meet the needs of their customers as well as statutory and regulatory requirements relating to services. RTS has been granted this certification by BM Trada and is externally audited on an annual basis.

ISO 14001 Certification
Our ISO 14001:2015 certification means that RTS have proven our commitment to the environment by reducing our waste and minimising our effect on the environment. Since being granted ISO 14001:2015, we have reduced our electrical consumption by 45% and we are currently examining ways to reduce our vehicle emissions. RTS has been granted this certification by BM Trada and RTS is externally audited on an annual basis.
Member of Avixa (formerly InfoComm International)
Avixa is the global trade association for the commercial AV industry. Being an Avixa member means that RTS belongs to the premier organisation committed to furthering the professionalism of the audiovisual industry.
Cyber Essentials Certification
Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed scheme that helps protect against the most common cyber attacks. Our certification lets you know that RTS has defences in place to protect against the vast majority of common cyber attacks and that we have a clear picture of our organisation's cyber security level.
Why Choose RTS?
There are many reasons to work with RTS, not just our wide-ranging experience and expertise. Here are a few points that are hard to ignore.
- RTS staff are knowledgeableRTS has been handling AV for clients since 1996 and many members of the team have been working in AV since 1990. We have worked in hundreds of locations around London, the UK and internationally and it is this experience that gives us the knowledge we need to know exactly what will work best in any given situation.
- RTS is capable of rapid responseAlthough RTS like to plan and stage the technology for events, many clients call on RTS because they know that we are used to working to tight time-scales and accommodating last-minute arrangements. RTS have all the equipment and people ready to go at a moment’s notice and will be there when you need us.
- RTS deliver a professional, friendly serviceRTS is proud of the professional advice and the friendly service we provide. We’re happy to answer questions and give our best advice even before we begin working with new clients. While we love technology and keep up with new advances in equipment, we know that event organisers and project managers just want the job done. That’s why we are always clear about what the right solution is and what is needed to produce the highest quality results for the audience as well as the budget.
- RTS work within your budgetRTS is sensitive to the budgetary constraints of all sizes of organisations and businesses, including charities. High-quality audio-visual equipment and support doesn’t have to be expensive and we always aim to provide the very best service at a cost that’s affordable, no matter who it’s for.
- All RTS staff are security-clearedWhile not all clients require this, we are often asked to provide video and audio equipment and services to Government departments, courtrooms, the judiciary and others that require a high degree of security and privacy. All our staff, including non-technical staff, have the necessary security clearances. This is one of the reasons we handle everything in-house and won’t sub-contract any of our work, unlike many other AV companies.
- RTS have courtroom experienceRTS is an approved supplier to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) Framework for the Electronic Preparation and Presentation of Evidence. This framework formalises the reputation and expertise that we have gained from working with the judiciary in courtrooms and at inquests around the country. You can read about our work with the inquest into the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Al-Fayed in the Legal Technology Journal (issue 10 Aug 08).
- RTS is dependableThis is consistently mentioned in feedback from our clients and it is something we take great pride in. RTS understand how important your event, conference, meeting or case is and we always ensure that we are available to answer your questions prior to (and on) the day. We’ll just ‘get on with it’ so you can focus on your guests, delegates, speakers and the event itself.
- RTS is frequently recommendedThe majority of our work and new clients come from the recommendations of others. We’re happy about this, because it means we’re conducting ourselves and the business in the right way.
- RTS is ISO certifiedRTS is committed to sound business and environmental practices and are proud to hold certification from UKAS for both ISO 9001 Quality Management standards and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System standards.
- RTS exceed expectationsOur success comes from the success of our clients. That’s why we always provide the very best advice and service on every project. We’re always happy to answer questions and provide advice, even before we start working together. It’s just how we do business.
Are you looking for Rock Solid AV advice?
We’d like to help you. Contact RTS or call on 0844 800 6440 for friendly advice and great service.
Talk to us first
When you need audio or visual equipment or AV support for your event, you can depend on us to always give you the very best audiovisual advice and service.
Leasing options
RTS offers AV equipment leasing options for the audio visual, lighting, sound and broadcast industries. Contact us for more details.