RTS is pleased to announce that two further operational staff members have passed the Infocomm CTS qualification bringing the total number of certified staff to 5.

Mark Edwards, Operations Director and Rory Horan, Senior Audio Engineer both passed the Infocomm International, CTS (Certified Technology Specialist) exam in central London.

A Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) performs general technology solution tasks by creating, operating, and servicing AV solutions as well as conducting AV management activities that provide for the best audiovisual resolutions of the client’s needs, both on time and within budget.

Click here for more information on the Infocomm International CTS certification programme

The CTS exam specifications were developed by combining the importance, criticality, and frequency data obtained from the Job Task Analysis study conducted in 2012.

The resulting data were converted to percentages and the percentages were used to determine the number of questions related to each domain and task that should appear on the multiple-choice CTS examination.

The test specifications in the table below list how many questions are included in each Domain and Task and the percentage of the test included in each domain.

Domain / Tasks% of Exam# of items

Domain A: Creating AV Solutions 61% 61
Task 1: Conduct site survey 6% 6
Task 2: Gather customer information 6% 6
Task 3: Evaluate site environment (acoustics, lighting, seating, finishing,
6% 6
Task 4: Maintain awareness of changes to the site environment
(acoustics, lighting, seating, finishing, etc.)
6% 6
Task 5: Develop a functional AV scope 8% 8
Task 6: Design AV solutions 12% 12
Task 7: Sell AV solutions 5% 5
Task 8: Conduct vendor selection process 4% 4
Task 9: Provide AV solutions 8% 8
Domain B: Operating AV Solutions 16% 16
Task 1: Operate AV solutions 6% 6
Task 2: Conduct maintenance activities 5% 5
Task 3: Manage AV solutions/operations 5% 5
Domain C: Conducting AV Management Activities 11% 11
Task 1: Project Manage AV projects 5% 5
Task 2: Perform AV Finance and Job Costing Activities 6% 6
Domain D: Servicing AV Solutions 12% 12
Task 1: Troubleshoot AV solutions 7% 7
Task 2: Repair AV solutions 5% 5
Total 100% 100

Certification is not a guarantee for performance by certified individuals. Certified Technology Specialist™ (CTS) holders at all levels of certification have demonstrated audiovisual knowledge and/or skills.

Certified individuals adhere to the CTS Code of Ethics and Conduct and maintain their status through continued education.

Certification demonstrates commitment to professional growth in the audiovisual industry and is strongly supported by InfoComm.